Fachkonferenzen KCID
Wie bereits die Forschungsstelle Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourses (KCID), der institutionelle BaFID-Vorläufer, organisierte das BaFID dreimal jährlich englischsprachige Konferenzen mit international renommierten Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern. Jede Konferenz besteht aus zwei Einheiten, die sich zwei zentralen, inhaltlich verwandten Begriffen in Judentum, Christentum und Islam widmen.
Ausblick auf 2025:
The Concept of Religious Leadership and the Concept of Religious Community in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
(19. – 20. Februar 2025)
- The Concept of Religious Leadership in Judaism: Dr. Nathanael Riemer, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)
- The Concept of Religious Leadership in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Justin A. Irving, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville (USA)
- The Concept of Religious Leadership in Islam: Prof. Dr. Safi Louay, College of Islamic Studies, Hamad bin Khalifa University (Qatar)
- The Concept of Religious Community in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Kristin Merle, Universität Hamburg (Germany)
- The Concept of Religious Community in Islam: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatih Varol, Istanbul University (Turkey)
The Concept of Matter and the Concept of Spirit in Judaism, Christianity and Islam (25. – 27. Juni 2025)
The Concept of Matter in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Idit Dobbs-Weinstein, Vanderblit University (USA)
The Concept of Matter in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Richard Bell, University of Nottingham (UK)
The Concept of Matter in Islam: Prof. Dr. Jon McGinnis, University of Missouri (USA)The Concept of Spirit in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Elliot R. Wolfson, University of California Santa Barbara (USA)
The Concept of Spirit in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Rötting, Paris Lodron Universität (Austria)
The Concept of Spirit in Islam: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Azadpur, San Francisco State University (USA)
Rückblick auf vergangene Konferenzen ab 2016:
25. – 27. September 2024: The Concept of Wealth and the Concept of Poverty in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Wealth in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Gregg E. Gardner, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
- The Concept of Wealth in Christianity: Prof. Willem Marie Speelman, Tilburg University, Netherlands
- The Concept of Wealth in Islam: Prof. Dr. Hussam Timani, Christoper Newport University, VA
- The Concept of Poverty in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Alyssa M. Gray, Hebrew Union College, New York
- The Concept of Poverty in Christianity: Prof. Vincent DeMeo, International Theological Institute, Trumau, Austria
- The Concept of Poverty in Islam: Prof. Dr. Amira Mittermaier, University of Toronto
26. – 28. Juni 2024: The Concept of Prophecy and the Concept of Spiritual Beings in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Prophecy in Judaism: Prof. Howard Kreisel, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
- The Concept of Prophecy in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Marco Frenschkowski, University of Leipzig
- The Concept of Prophecy in Islam: Prof. Zishan Ghaffar, University of Paderborn
- The Concept of Spiritual Beings in Judaism: Prof. Mika Ahuvia, University of Washington, Seattle
- The Concept of Spiritual Beings in Christianity: Prof. Friedrich Reiterer, Paris Londron Universität Salzburg
- The Concept of Spiritual Beings in Islam: Prof. Stephan Burge, The Institute of Ismaili Studies, London
21. – 23. Februar 2024: The Concept of Prayer and the Concept of Religious Learning in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Prayer in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Judith H. Newman, University of Toronto, Canada
- The Concept of Prayer in Christianity: Dr. Maria Munkholt Christensen, University Bonn
- The Concept of Prayer in Islam: Dr. Reza Shah Kazemi, The Institute of Ismaili Studies, London
- The Concept of Religious Learning in Judaism: Dr. Sandra Anusiewicz-Baer, University Potsdam
- The Concept of Religious Learning in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Marcel Saß, University Marburg
- The Concept of Religious Learning in Islam: Prof. Dr. Jonathan Berkey, Davidson College, NC
21. – 23. Juni 2023: The Concept of Authority and the Concept of Modernity in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Authority in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Lawrence Kaplan, McGill University/CA
- The Concept of Authority in Christianity: Dr. Jan Wim Buisman, Leiden University
- The Concept of Authority in Islam: Prof. Dr. Aiyub Palmer, University of Kentucky/USA
- The Concept of Modernity in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Allan Arkush, Binghamton University/USA
- The Concept of Modernity in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Vasilios N. Makrides, Universität Erfurt
- The Concept of Modernity in Islam: Prof. Dr. Armina Omerika, Universität Frankfurt/Main
15. – 17. Februar 2023: The Concept of Religion and the Concept of Rationality in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Religion in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Oliver Leaman, University of Kentucky/USA
- The Concept of Religion in Christianity: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gregor-Maria Hoff, Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg
- The Concept of Religion in Islam: Dr. Ahab Bdaiwi, Leiden University
- The Concept of Rationality in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Daniel Frank, Purdue University/USA
- The Concept of Rationality in Christianity: Maria Elisabeth Höwer, M.Sc., FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg/TU Dresden
- The Concept of Rationality in Islam: Prof. Dr. Nader El-Bizri, University of Sharjah/VAE
21. – 23. September 2022: The Concept of Mysticism and the Concept of Divine-Human Communication in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Mysticism in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Aaron Hughes, University of Rochester/USA
- The Concept of Mysticism in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Ann Astell, University of Notre Dame/USA
- The Concept of Mysticism in Islam: Prof. Dr. Erdal Toprakyaran, University of Tübingen
- The Concept of Divine-Human Communication in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Aaron Hughes, University of Rochester/USA
- The Concept of Divine-Human Communication in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Porphyrios Georgi, University of Balamand/LBN
- The Concept of Divine-Human Communication in Islam: Dr. Ghassan El Masri, Bavarian Center for Interreligious Discourses, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
22. – 24. Juni 2022: The Concept of Emotion and the Concept of Morality in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Emotion in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Alan Mittleman, Jewish Theological Seminary/USA
- The Concept of Emotion in Christianity: Prof. Dr. John Corrigan, Florida State University
- The Concept of Emotion in Islam: Prof. Dr. Paul Heck, Georgetown University
- The Concept of Morality in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Alan Mittleman, Jewish Theological Seminary/USA
- The Concept of Morality in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Marianne Heimbach-Steins, University of Münster
- The Concept of Morality in Islam: Prof. Dr. Mutaz Al-Khatib, Hamad Bin Khalifa University/QA
16. – 17. Februar 2022: The Concept of Protology/Cosmology and the Concept of Eschatology in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Protology/Cosmology in Judaism: Prof. em. Dr. Philip Alexander and Prof. Dr. Daniel Langton, University of Manchester
- The Concept of Protology/Cosmology in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Dirk Ansorge, Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen
- The Concept of Protology/Cosmology in Islam: Prof. Dr. Mira Sievers, Humboldt University of Berlin
- The Concept of Eschatology in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Casey Elledge, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter (Minnesota)
- The Concept of Eschatology in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Judith Wolfe, University of St. Andrews
- The Concept of Eschatology in Islam: Prof. em. Dr. Todd Lawson, University of Toronto
6. – 7. Oktober 2021: The Concept of Education and the Concept of Family in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Education in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Hanan Alexander, University of Haifa
- The Concept of Education in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Manfred Pirner, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
- The Concept of Education in Islam: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Zekirija Sejdini, University of Vienna (now Innsbruck)
- The Concept of Family in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Michael Berger, Emory College of Arts and Sciences, Atlanta
- The Concept of Family in Christianity: Prof. Dr. theol. Dr. rer. soc. Joachen Sautermeister, University of Bonn
- The Concept of Family in Islam: Dr. Pascal Held, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg
23. – 24. Juni 2021: The Concept of Sin and the Concept of Redemption in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Sin in Judaism: Rabbi David Bashevkin, Yeshiva University, New York
- The Concept of Sin in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Christoph Böttigheimer, KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
- The Concept of Sin in Islam: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayman Shabana, Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in Qatar
- The Concept of Redemption in Judaism: Rabbi Dr. Daniel Goodman, The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York
- The Concept of Redemption in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Tom Greggs, University of Aberdeen
- The Concept of Redemption in Islam: Dr. Ghassan El Masri, Bavarian Center for Interreligious Discourses, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
17. – 18. Februar 2021: The Concept of Will and the Concept of Predestination in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Will in Judaism: Shalom Sadik, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- The Concept of Will in Christianity: Dr. Johannes Grössl, University of Würzburg
- The Concept of Will in Islam: Prof. Dr. Heidrun Eichner, University of Tübingen
- The Concept of Predestination in Judaism: Prof. Lenn E. Goodman, Vanderbilt University
- The Concept of Predestination in Christianity: Prof. Jesse Couenhoven, Villanova University
- The Concept of Predestination in Islam: Prof. Catarina Belo, The American University of Cairo
23. – 24. September 2020: The Concept of Death and the Concept of Life in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Death in Judaism: Prof. Dr. David C. Kraemer, The Jewish Theological Seminary, New York
- The Concept of Death in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Douglas Davies, University of Durham
- The Concept of Death in Islam: Prof. Dr. Timothy J. Gianotti, American Islamic College, Chicago
- The Concept of Life in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Gabriel Levy, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
- The Concept of Life in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl, Augsburg University
- The Concept of Life in Islam: Dr. Muhammad U. Faruque, University of Cincinnati
17. – 18. Juni 2020: The Concept of Environment and the Concept of Economy in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Environment in Judaism: Rabbi Yonatan Neril und Rabbi Leo Dee
- The Concept of Environment in Christianity: Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl
- The Concept of Environment in Islam: Prof Dr. Yasin Dutton, Oxford Center for Islamic Studies
- The Concept of Economy in Judaism: Dr. Moses L. Pava, Yeshiva University, New York
- The Concept of Economy in Christianity: Prof. Dr. André Habisch, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
- The Concept of Economy in Islam: Prof. em. Rodney Wilson, Emeritus Professor of Economics at Durham University
12. – 14. Februar 2020: The Concept of Good and the Concept of Evil in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Good in Judaism: Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman, Yeshiva University
- The Concept of Good in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Koritensky, University of Paderborn
- The Concept of Good in Islam: Prof. Dr. Karim Douglas Crow, Council for Research in Values and Philosophy
- The Concept of Evil in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Lenn E. Goodman, Vanderbilt University
- The Concept of Evil in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Bruce A. Little, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- The Concept of Evil in Islam: Dr. Nasrin Rouzati, Manhattan College
18. – 20. September 2019: The Concept of Violence and the Concept of Just War in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Violence in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Reuven Firestone, Jewish Institute of Religion Los Angeles
- The Concept of Violence in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Rubén Rosario Rodríguez, Saint Louis University
- The Concept of Violence in Islam: Prof. Dr. Patrice Brodeur, University of Montreal
- The Concept of Just War in Judaism: Rabbi Daniel Polish, PhD, Spiritual Leader of the Congregation Shir Chadash New York
- The Concept of Just War in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Heinz-Gerhard Justenhoven, Institut für Theologie und Frieden Hamburg
- The Concept of Just War in Islam: Prof. Dr. Suleiman Ali Mourad, Smith College Northampton (MA)
26. – 28. Juni 2019: The Concept of Body and the Concept of Soul in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Programm Bericht Videos Band „Concept of Soul“
- The Concept of Body in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Veltri, Director of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies, University of Hamburg
- The Concept of Body in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Gregor Etzelmüller, University of Osnabrück
- The Concept of Body in Islam: PD Dr. Abbas Poya, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
- The Concept of Soul in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Alan Avery-Peck, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
- The Concept of Soul in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Eberhard Schockenhoff, University of Freiburg
- The Concept of Soul in Islam: Prof. Dr. Dr. Bernhard Uhde, Institut für Interreligiöse Studien Freiburg
13. – 15. Februar 2019: The Concept of Person and the Concept of Sexuality in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Programm Videos Band „Concept of Person“
- The Concept of Person in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Aryeh Botwinick, Temple University
- The Concept of Person in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Edward Alam, Notre Dame University-Louaize, Beirut
- The Concept of Person in Islam: Prof. Dr. Peter G. Riddell, Melbourne School of Theology/SOAS University of London
- The Concept of Sexuality in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Sarah Imhoff, Indiana University Bloomington
- The Concept of Sexuality in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Heike Walz, Augustana Divinity School Neuendettelsau
- The Concept of Sexuality in Islam: Prof. Dr. Patrick Franke, University of Bamberg
12. – 14. Dezember 2018: The Concept of History and the Concept of Time in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of History in Judaism: Prof. Dr. em. Karl E. Grözinger, Universität Potsdam
- The Concept of History in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Christoph Böttigheimer, Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
- The Concept of History in Islam: Prof. Dr. Mona Hassan, Duke University, Durham
- The Concept of Time in Judaism: Sylvie Anne Goldberg, CRH-EHESS, Paris
- The Concept of Time in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Alan G. Padgett, Luther Seminary, St. Paul
- The Concept of Time in Islam: Prof. Dr. Sajjad Rizvi, University of Exeter
18. – 20. April 2018: The Concept of Scripture and the Concept of Doctrine in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Scripture in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Isaac Kalimi, University of Mainz
- The Concept of Scripture in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Assaad Elias Kattan, University of Münster
- The Concept of Scripture in Islam: Prof. Dr. Joseph E. B. Lumbard, American University of Sharjah
- The Concept of Doctrine in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Michah Gottlieb, New York University
- The Concept of Doctrine in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Roman Siebenrock, University of Innsbruck
- The Concept of Doctrine in Islam: Prof. Dr. Waleed El-Ansary, Xavier University, Cincinnati
13. – 15. Dezember 2017: The Concept of Tolerance and the Concept of Peace in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Tolerance in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Michael Zank, Boston University
- The Concept of Tolerance in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Christian Polke, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
- The Concept of Tolerance in Islam: Prof. Dr. Anna Aişe Akasoy, City University New York
- The Concept of Peace in Judaism: Dr. Alick Isaacs, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- The Concept of Peace in Christianity: LtWissDir Prof. Dr. Volker Stümke, Bundeswehr Command and Staff College in Hamburg
- The Concept of Peace in Islam: Prof. Dr. Asma Afsaruddin, Indiana University Bloomington
27. – 29. September 2017: The Concept of Faith and the Concept of Truth in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Faith in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Susanne Talabardon, University of Bamberg
- The Concept of Faith in Christianity: Prof. em. Dr. Walter Sparn, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
- The Concept of Faith in Islam: Prof. Ovamir Anjum, University of Toledo
- The Concept of Truth in Judaism: Sen.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Schreiner, University of Tübingen
- The Concept of Truth in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Schärtl-Trendel, University of Regensburg
- The Concept of Truth in Islam: Prof. Dr. Nader el-Bizri, American University of Beirut
10. – 12. Mai 2017: The Concept of Freedom and the Concept of Justice in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Freedom in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Kenneth Seeskin, Northwestern University, Evanston
- The Concept of Freedom in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Nico Vorster, North-West University, Potchefstroom
- The Concept of Freedom in Islam: Prof. Dr. Maha El-Kaisy Friemuth, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
15. – 16. Dezember 2016: The Concept of Human Rights in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Human Rights in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Michael J. Broyde, Emory University, Atlanta
- The Concept of Human Rights in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Heiner Bielefeldt, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
- The Concept of Human Rights in Islam: Prof. Dr. Mashood Baderin, University of London
21. – 22. Juli 2016: The Concept of Revelation in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Programm Bericht Band „Concept of Revelation“
- The Concept of Revelation in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Norbert M. Samuelson, Arizona State University
- The Concept of Revelation in Christianity: Prof. Dr. Christoph Schwöbel, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
- The Concept of Revelation in Islam: Prof. Dr. Asma Afsaruddin, Indiana University Bloomington
19. – 20. Mai 2016: The Concept of Human Being in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Concept of Human Being in Judaism: Prof. Dr. Matthias Morgenstern, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
- The Concept of Human Being in Christianity: Dr. Martin O´Malley, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
- The Concept of Human Being in Islam: Dr. Amanullah De Sondy, University College Cork, Ireland